Climate Action

UK to set new world-leading climate targets

British government will confirm a new target to cut carbon emissions by 57% by 2032 compared to 1990 levels

  • 30 June 2016
  • William Brittlebank

The British government will confirm a new target to cut carbon emissions by 57% by 2032 compared to 1990 levels, Energy Secretary Amber Rudd said on Wednesday.

The new target aims at reassuring potential investors in the UK’s energy industry in the wake of the vote to leave the European Union.

Speaking at the Business & Climate Summit in London, Ms Rudd (pictured) said: "Climate change has not been downgraded as a threat... We must not turn our back on Europe or the world. So while I think the UK's role in dealing with a warming planet may have been made harder by the decision last Thursday, our commitment to dealing with it has not gone away."

At the summit, business leaders called on Prime Minister David Cameron to ratify the Paris climate accord to accelerate the process of curbing greenhouse gas emissions and avoiding dangerous levels of global warming.

It has been calculated that the UK is set to achieve its target for low carbon energy, but the Committee on Climate Change has emphasised the need for the government to adopt new policies on housing, agriculture and transport to assist emissions reduction.

According to the committee, the government has not been able to support carbon capture and storage technology so far, reducing funds supporting the technology, and preventing a greater development in the renewable energy sector.