Climate Action

When hydrogen partners with electrons: clean heating for all

Hear from Maximilian Viessmann, Co-CEO Viessmann Group and CEO Viessmann Climate Solutions, on the future of clean heating.

  • 07 October 2021
  • Viessmann

“We want everyone in Europe to have a home they can light, heat, or cool without breaking the bank or breaking the planet,” said Frans Timmermans when presenting the Renovation Wave in October 2021.

As CEO of a 104 year old company in climate solutions, I am convinced that this dream is feasible. We can make it. And we will – with a mix of decarbonised electricity and decarbonised heating fuels, including hydrogen.

Electrons and molecules together are the winning tandem. Success depends on our ability to get both people on board and to optimize the whole energy system; a narrow focus on sectors or heating technologies in isolation is a cul-de-sac.

›  The benefit of hydrogen in heating is threefold: 

1) optimized use of gas networks and storages for demand peaks in winter;  

2) optimized electricity demand and “dimensioning” of dispatchable generation and infrastructure capacities;  

3) optimized and flexible investment pathways for individualized building decarbonization.

›  Every 5 mln heat pumps add roughly some 15 GW peak load to be provided reliably by the electricity system in winter – in addition to the growing fleet of e-vehicles.

›  The price tag for energy system decarbonization is significantly lower with hydrogen in heating: for Germany alone, including hydrogen for heating in buildings lowers the system cost by 11 bln EUR2 each year, until 2050.

›  The individual needs of 450 mln citizens and the heterogeneity of buildings across the EU make emissions of buildings hard to abate. The heating sector is ready to process hydrogen admixtures up to 10% right away, and new appliances can process up to 20%.

› Blending in the early phase of the ramp up of the hydrogen economy provides a stable demand and scale, hence security for investments.

› Making new heating equipment hydrogen-ready for later changes in the gas mix is feasible. It is a no-regret.

Read the full article here.