Climate Action

The role of investors in promoting a Just Transition

Held ahead of the Sustainable Investment Forum Europe on 12 March in Paris, this webinar will bring together a group of high-level investor speakers to give their view on how social issues and aspects will shape the sustainable finance community.

The role of investors in promoting a Just Transition - Climate Action mEFhuc6W1n5SlKLH
Climate Action

The role of investors in promoting a Just Transition

Held ahead of the Sustainable Investment Forum Europe on 12 March in Paris, this webinar will bring together a group of high-level investor speakers to give their view on how social issues and aspects will shape the sustainable finance community.

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About this webinar

Social aspects of the climate and sustainability transition are often forgotten in efforts to drive the investments needed to promote the shift to a sustainable economy.

But the necessity of a Just Transition is rising up the agenda of investors and policy makers – more than 100 institutions with more than USD 5 trillion in assets under management have signed an investor statement supporting efforts to link climate action with social inclusion.

Building on this momentum, this webinar will explore:

  • The rationale for investors to consider social dimensions of the low-carbon transition
  • What can investors do to support a just transition?
  • Examples of investor engagement on social issues
  • What is needed from regulators and policy makers to promote a just transition?
  • How well are social aspects integrated in sustainable finance initiatives such as the EU Sustainable Finance action plan?
  • Should the TCFD be extended to include the social dimension of climate change?

Held ahead of the Sustainable Investment Forum Europe on 12 March in Paris, the webinar will bring together a group of high-level investor speakers to give their view on how social issues and aspects will shape the sustainable finance community going forward.


Wim Van Hyfte, Global Head of Responsible Investments and Research, Candriam

William Irwin, Policy Analyst – Sustainable Finance, Grantham Research Institute, LSE

Anne Simpson, Director, Board Governance & Strategy, CalPERS

Watch the full webinar on demand