Ecodesign for discussion today in the College of Commissioners
Don’t let energy product policy freeze this winter

PRESS RELEASE - 25 October 2016 - Don’t let energy product policy freeze this winter
Help European industry continue to grow within Europe’s product policy framework, to contribute to the EU’s energy goals through the deployment of energy efficient products without endangering innovation and competition.
This is the thrust of the message from eight Industry Associations representing product manufacturers for the heating, cooling, refrigeration, ventilation, home appliance and ICT/consumer electronic sectors in advance of the European Commission’s ecodesign orientation debate that is due to take place tomorrow (25/10/2016). Its concerns and a call for urgent action were outlined in a recent letter delivered to policymakers (link to letter).
Says Andrea Voigt, Director General of EPEE: “Ecodesign and energy labelling has, for several product groups, been very successful over the years, driving down product energy consumption and providing a contribution to EU’s energy and climate goals. We want this success story to continue”.
Areas of concern:
- Industry urges, without delay, the publication in the EU’s Official Journal of already voted ecodesign product measures. The lack of official publication creates unnecessary uncertainty for industry who needs legal certainty when designing their products;
- Maintaining the effectiveness of ecodesign measures. To date, they have been effective as they have regulated measurable, verifiable parameters, such as energy consumption in use, based on a clear and transparent methodology. This approach needs to be maintained. Components, in particular included in products already covered by ecodesign requirements should not be regulated;
- The current ecodesign and energy labelling policies need accompanying measures that encourage the market uptake of energy efficient products. Examples include raising consumer awareness about the benefits of energy efficient products, promoting market surveillance and inspections of installed appliances that can lead to planned replacements.
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Says Paolo Falcioni, Director General of CECED “Europe’s ecodesign framework will continue to benefit citizens and businesses if the right conditions are created”.
Concludes Federica Sabbati, Secretary General of the European Heating Industry “Policies should raise the awareness of consumers on the benefits of energy efficiency and help them make investments. This is why EU product policy should be complemented with measures to support the uptake of energy efficient products”.