Climate Action

UK Government launch £25m species survival fund to boost restoration of natural habitats at scale

The Species Survival Fund will help to drive action to reduce habitat loss and safeguard the UK’s fragile ecosystems and create nature-rich landscapes.

  • 04 July 2023
  • Press Release

The Species Survival Fund will help to drive action to reduce habitat loss and safeguard the UK’s fragile ecosystems and create nature-rich landscapes.

The fund has been launched to help in restoring and connecting wildlife-rich habitats across a landscape, as well as develop the resilience of particular species such as reptiles, birds and pollinators. The scheme will also encourage green jobs and provide vocational employment opportunities.

The Government have made the fund accessible to Environmental not-for-profit organisations, National Park Authorities and AONBs, local authorities, farmers and land managers.

The UK has seen a further commitment to supporting the creation and restoration of natural habitats, with 48 individual local authorities set to benefit as they receive their allocations from a £14 million funding pot enabling them to work with their local communities to develop a tailored nature recovery strategy for their area.

With the best ways to support nature recovery depending on local geography, Local Nature Recovery Strategies will help communities map out the action needed in their area to restore nature, working closely with local stakeholders, from farmers to school children. When put together they will be a key way of meeting our England-wide nature targets.

Environment Secretary Therese Coffey said: "We depend on nature for everything and now nature needs our help."

“Through the Species Survival Fund, we will fund taking targeted actions needed to restore our habitats and the species that live in them. Across the country, local nature recovery strategies will enhance wildlife habitats that reflect the wonderful tapestry of nature that exists on our isles.”

Eilish McGuinness, Chief Executive, The National Lottery Heritage Fund, said: “Six months on from helping secure the Global Biodiversity Framework at COP15, the Government is committed to delivering on the COP15 goals at home and the commitments set out in our Environmental Improvement Plan. The announcement today follows new funding unveiled yesterday for lowland peat restoration, new landscape recovery project funding announced for farmers last month, and action to protect our seas through recently declared Highly Protected Marine Areas.”

Find out more here.