Climate Action

Ecoembes is the organization that cares for the environment through recycling and the eco-design of packaging in Spain. We make it possible for plastic packaging, cans and cartons (yellow container) and for paper and cardboard packaging (blue container) to have a second life.

Our Mission is to provide society with a collective response from financial players to the environmental concerns related to the consumption of household packaged products so that we can comply with the legally specified objectives while making the most effective use of the Company’s resources.We also create social and environmental value for society by promoting environmental education, innovation, efficiency and by creating jobs and an industrial infrastructure.

Since we were founded, in 1997, we have recycled 15.3 million tons of packaging and prevented the emission of over 15.2 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Thanks to the coordination of everyone involved in the recycling process (companies, individuals, town halls and recyclers), we at Ecoembes have been protecting the environment for 17 years by making it possible for packaging to be recycled and have a second chance at life.

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No news articles.

Packaging design to prevent waste and emissions

30 Nov 2015
