The First Defence - Curbing your organisations energy use through demand side management
About this webinar
Recorded on: Thursday 18 June 2020
Under lockdown, energy demand and consumption patterns drastically changed. But as entire industries start to go back to work and emerge from lockdown, is this is the perfect time to understand how to optimize energy efficiencies through effective demand-side management. This virtual exchange explores how innovation, technology and regulation can be harnessed to support the transition towards a net zero future and showcase the important role demand-side response will play within it.
Discussion points included:
- Systemic Policy Incentives: how can policy compliment innovation to shift energy behaviours in large power consumers?
- Operational Behaviour: how can large power consumers use innovative methods and strategies to change their energy consumption behaviours to reduce demand and cost?
- Disruptive Technologies: how are AI, IoT, and Blockchain technologies changing the way we consume and manage energy?
Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
DG Energy, European Commission
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group (, headquartered in Tokyo, is one of the world’s leading industrial firms with over 80,000 group employees and annual consolidated revenue of around 38 billion U.S. dollars.
MHI Group provides world-class technical solutions across the entire energy value chain that enable industry-leading production efficiency and significantly reduced environmental impact. MHI Group’s energy portfolio spans conventional and nuclear power, renewable energy solutions such as offshore wind turbines, geothermal and organic rankine cycle (ORC) power generation technology as well as turbomachinery. MHI Group is also a key technology provider along the hydrogen value chain.