Climate Action

Innovation, industrialisation and sustainability

The regional market leader in precast concrete and a reference in industrialised and sustainable real estate development, Precon Engenharia has more than 50 years’ experience in the Brazilian construction industry. The company develops constructive solutions in precast concrete structures for complex works of many different types, such as infrastructure, logistics sheds, commercial and industrial buildings, special structures for mining, and the oil and gas segment.

After 20 years of research and development, the company has mastered a unique technology that enables the use of industrialisation in residential civil construction. The Precon’s Housing Solution (SHP), patented in 2010, takes the concepts of the automotive industry and adapts them to civil construction. In the system, buildings are produced in industrial plants and assembled at construction sites. This innovative method, which has sustainability as one of its key elements, has been rigorously tested and approved by the Ministry of Cities to be used throughout the Brazilian territory.

The system is in operation for four years with excellent performance and important national and international recognitions. The SHP was turned into a case in Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC) for being a milestone in industrialised and sustainable construction for the country. The company was also the first in Brazil to have a project approved in the Minha Casa Minha Vida (MCMV) programme, with Caixa’s Blue Sustainability Stamp.

We are also proud to highlight the Eco Sustainability Award, the CBIC Award for Innovation and Sustainability and the relevant Ethos Award 2013. As the highlight of this issue, CEO of Precon Engenharia, Marcelo Miranda, was invited and presented this case at the World Forum Lille – Responsible Economy, held in France in 2013.

The company continues to invest in developing sustainable technologies for the construction industry. Together with the Brazilian innovation agency FINEP, it initiated in 2014 a new stage of research for developing technologies to improve the sustainability and productivity performance of its system.

Precon Engenharia

Albita Street, 131
1st Floor Room 02-
Belo Horizonte
Minas Gerais

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Sustainable real estate

02 Sep 2014
